BGNS Student Council Visit
Thursday 23rd May – 6th class visit
The student council, along with four first year students, visited Bishop Galvin N.S. to talk to the sixth class students about starting second level school. The aim of the student council was to put the sixth class students at ease about the start of their next step in their education. Their role was to reassure them that for the vast majority of first year students, it only takes a couple of weeks to settle in to their new school. The sixth class students spoke about what they already knew about secondary school, they asked questions about what they wanted to know and finally they recapped on what they learnt during the course of the visit. The main advice from the student council was to get as much information as possible. That they should talk to their parents, older siblings, friends and teachers about the change. The student council will meet the incoming first years in the school a week before they start as part of a transition day. The student council will also be here on the first day as to welcome the first years and help them settle in. The student council would like to thank Bishop Galvin N.S., their principal, Kathryn Corbett and the sixth class teachers in their continued support for this initiative. |