Text Messaging Service

St. Mac Dara’s has introduced a new text messaging service since last year. Would all parents please ensure that we have your up to date correct contact details, especially if there have been any changes in address or phone numbers. This service will be used to...
New Website

New Website

Our website is a new venture and is currently being developed. Please come back to us at regular intervals to see the changes made. We are open to suggestions as to what you would like to see on this site. Please email us at [email protected].

Joining up

  Important message for all students – especially new 1st Years As we start a new academic year in St. Mac Dara’s, it is important that all students become involved in at least one of the many extra curricular activities that are on offer to all students....

Mission Statement…

We, the community of this College, through a caring and collective approach, aspire to provide a broadbased education for all, to foster respect and dignity and to promote a safe and just environment by positively encouraging all to realise their...

Happening 1 example

ci ornare posuere quis quis urna. Vestibulum porttitor magna ut tellus pulvinar tempor. Sed varius ullamcorper feugiat. Nunc congue feugiat est, sit amet condimentum neque suscipit ut. Fusce placerat tempus vestibulum. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus tristique ornare...