Dyslexia Ireland

Dyslexia Courses Ireland has been recently set up offering courses to second level teachers, parents and students. In particular they offer information evenings for parents on how they can best support their child with dyslexia at second level. For more information...


Foróige is the leading youth organisation in Ireland and has been working with young people since 1952. They have a vision for an Ireland that believes in every young person and their purpose is to enable young people to involve themselves consciously and actively in...

Better Options

Please see below for details on the Better Options Exhibition, which is a College fair for students  with disabilities Better Options

A vacancy on the school Board of Management

A vacancy for a male Parent Representative on the school Board of Management has arisen, and all nominations can be sent to the Parents’ Association c/o the school by the 5th October 2015. An election will be held at the AGM if there is more than one...
The Parents’ Association AGM

The Parents’ Association AGM

The Parents’ Association AGM will take place on 12 October 2015 at 7.30pm in the main school hall. All parents are invited to come along. Immediately following the AGM there will be a talk on Addiction, given by Stephen Harding of Maynooth College.