CAO Information Evening A reminder that the CAO Informastion Evening for all 6th Year Parents/Guardians takes place on Monday evening 5th October 2015 at 7.30p.m. at the college. Representatives from Universities and Third Level Colleges will be in attendance to speak...
A ‘Blue Day’ took place on Friday 18th, in the college. The cost of this was €2 and all money raised will be going towards new changing facilities for all sports in the school. Students and staff were asked to wear Dublin jerseys, GAA jerseys or blue tops....
A big thank you to everyone who donated to the collection which took place over the last few weeks, especially Class 3 Errigal who worked really hard on this project along with Ms Halligan.
This year the PE Department have organised a whole school 5k fun run. The event will take place on Tuesday 26th May in Tymon Park at 2pm and all students and staff will walk, run or jog to the finish line together! The money raised from the event is going towards a...
This year, sixth year prefects were assigned the task of mentoring first year classes. Every Friday morning the leading mentor Ava Faulkner would guide the prefects through a brief session with the first year tutor groups, discussing topics from mental health, making...