South Dublin County Council Competition

South Dublin County Council Competition

This years winners of the South Dublin County Council ‘s, Social Inclusion Unit’s Health and Wellbeing Week 2014 competition were two third year students form St Mac Dara’s; Lauren Taylor and Kate Perry. Both students have been invited to receive...
New Student Council

New Student Council

The Student Council for 2014 are: Anthony Fagan(P.R.O.) Donal Dignam (Chairperson) Aoife Cowley (Secretary) Lauren Derwin Doody Nadia Power Peter Campbell C.J McNulty Eleonora Dzhungurova Billy McGoveren Niamh...
Higher Options

Higher Options

  The Higher Options conference takes place on Wednesday 17th of September in the RDS Simmonscourt, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 for sixth year students. Higher Options is the largest and most comprehensive exhibition for Leaving Cert students who want to know what...
Uniform Survey

Uniform Survey

Please find a link below to the survey on school uniform.
Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Beidh seachtain na gaeilge ar siúl idir an 10ú-14ú de mí Márta. Beidh cheolchoirm ar siúl le haghaidh an chéad bhliain sa halla. Beidh rince gaeilge & canadh ar siúl. Beidh tráth na gCeist ar an Deardain don dara bliain agus beidh Díospóireacht ar an gCeadaoin don...