Please find a link below to the survey on school uniform.
Beidh seachtain na gaeilge ar siúl idir an 10ú-14ú de mí Márta. Beidh cheolchoirm ar siúl le haghaidh an chéad bhliain sa halla. Beidh rince gaeilge & canadh ar siúl. Beidh tráth na gCeist ar an Deardain don dara bliain agus beidh Díospóireacht ar an gCeadaoin don...
Presentation for parents and guardians of Third Year and Transition Year students on: Senior Cycle Options & Subject Choices Monday February 24th 2014 at 7.30pm in the College The purpose of the talk is to help parents and guardians better understand: • Program...