Internet Awareness Week 2020

Internet Awareness Week 2020

Internet Awareness Week 2020 Internet Awareness Week takes place from the 10th to the 14th of February 2020. It is designed to encourage students to think about their online behaviours and reflect upon how they can improve these. For more details on safe internet...
Board of Management Meeting Tuesday 28 January 2020

Board of Management Meeting Tuesday 28 January 2020

Board of Management Meeting Tuesday 28th January 2020 Agreed Minutes   Minutes of Board Meeting 19 Dec 2019 read and accepted.There were no Matters Arising.The Transition Year co coordinator made a PowerPoint presentation on the Transition Year Programme and...
TY February Newsletter 2020

TY February Newsletter 2020

TY February Newsletter 2020 Our TY students have had a very busy time in the 6 short weeks since Christmas. Firstly, as part of our English class the students were entered in the very prestigious Shakespeare for School drama competition. The students chose to re-write...
Senior Girls Gaelic Football Team

Senior Girls Gaelic Football Team

Senior Girls Gaelic Football Team The Senior Girls Gaelic Football Team were narrowly beaten last week in the Leinster Quarter Final. The team showed great heart to come back from a 9 point deficit early in the second half only to be cruelly beaten by a single point...