Book Lists 2020/21 School Book Lists for the academic year 2020/21 can be downloaded by clicking on the links below. First Year Book List 2020/2021 Second Year Book List 2020/2021 Third Year Book List 2020/2021 Fourth Year Book List 2020/21 Fifth Year Book List...
Board of Management – Agreed Minutes (25/5/2020) Thanks: The board thanked staff members for their valued contribution to St Mac Dara’s CC. They alsowished staff well who are moving on and welcome new appointees onto the staff for the coming year2020/2021....
The 6th Year Graduation Mass will take place on Tuesday 2nd June @ 7.30pm. To access the mass please log on to Click on the link to enter the site then scroll down to the yellow box on the right hand side and click on the link ‘Live church...
Leaving Cert Calculated Grades Student Portal Please click on the links below to access two key documents in relation to the Leaving Cert Calculated Grades Student Portal. Please note that this Portal closes at 10pm this Thursday the 28th of May. Letter to Students...
Active Week – Day 1 (25/5/2020) Dear Students, We hope you are keeping well. We have something different for you to do this week. There will be up to 5 challenges set each day under the following headings 1 – Activity 2 – Wellbeing 3 –...