TY Graduation 2020

TY Graduation 2020

TY Graduation 2020 Congratulations TY class of 2020! Our Transition Year class had their official showcase ceremony today, the 20th of May. This year’s showcase may have been in a Zoom meeting room but it didn’t take away from the fun, vibrant, positive atmosphere...
Guide to Calculating Leaving Cert Grades

Guide to Calculating Leaving Cert Grades

Process for Calculating Leaving Cert Grades  Process for Calculated Grades https://www.education.ie/en/Learners/Information/State-Examinations/a-guide-to-calculated-grades-for-leaving-certificate-students-2020.pdf Questions and Answers. A FAQs document  is also being...
Summer Exam Timetables

Summer Exam Timetables

Summer Exam Timetables 2020 Click on the links below to access First, Second, Third and Fifth Year Summer Exam Timetables. Please note that Teachers may be making their own arrangements for assessment in some subjects that may take place outside of the timetables...
New Guidance and Counselling Webpage

New Guidance and Counselling Webpage

New Guidance and Counselling Webpage Our Guidance and Counselling team have collaborated with ‘CareersPortal’ to provide an up to date resource for St. Mac Dara’s students, which will help facilitate communication and support careers research while working...
Summer Exam Timetables

Letter to Students, Parents, Guardians and Teachers

Letter to Students, Parents, Guardians and Teachers regarding the Easter Break. Please click below to view a letter from School Management to Students, Parents, Guardians and Teachers regarding the Easter Break....
Children’s Allowance Form

Children’s Allowance Form

Children’s Allowance Form Dear Parents, Regarding Children Allowance Forms; The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection have said that due to Schools being closed that parents should fill in the form with the name and address of the school and say...