Christmas Concert The Annual School Christmas Concert for First Years takes place this Tuesday December 18th at 11:40 in the Assembly Hall. This concert will feature all of the schools music classes and soloists. We are very fortunate to have so many exceptional...
Sky Dome The Skydome recently visited our school during Science Week and our Second Years were invited to see it. This is an account from one of the students who visited the dome; “On Thursday the 8th of November all of Second Year went to the Sky Dome in the...
Korean Cooking On November 6th the Transition year Korean class went to the Home Ec. room to cook a traditional Korean dish: Kimbap. Ms O’ Rourke agreed to help to cook, while Ms. Park taught the students the recipe. In the end, everyone had a full roll of...
Rebecca McMahon Congratulations to 3rd Yr Rebecca McMahon who represented the school with great distinction last weekend when she lined out for Leinster in the FAIS Interprovincial Tournament. Rebecca and her Leinster teammates won the tournament. Well done to all....
Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2018 The competition to represent Ireland in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest is currently ongoing. 32 singers are competing to be the Irish representative for the contest in Minsk on the 25th November 2018 and our very own Saibh...
Green Week Our Transition Year class are currently holding a Green Week from the 12th of November to the 16th. We are hoping to raise awareness of the problems of littering in the school and the local community. We will be holding a number of events including guest...