LCVP & Simon Community Simon Community visited the school on Monday 12th of November. They spoke to 5th and 6th year LCVP classes and gave a very enlightening and informative talk on the homeless crisis in Ireland and how we can...
2018 Boys Futsal Champions The St Mac Dara’s Boys Futsal team completed a remarkable week for soccer in the school by becoming Dublin Futsal Champions on Thursday. This completes a fantastic double as the Boys followed in the footsteps of the Girls team who also...
3rd Year Trip to Glasnevin Cemetery 3rd Year Class Boyne visited Glasnevin Cemetery on Wednesday the 10th October. They really enjoyed the trip and were particularly struck by their visits to the graves of Michael Collins and Eamon De Valera. Thanks to Ms Smith and Ms...
Dublin Girls Futsal Champions 2018 We are delighted to say that our First Year Girls team became the 2018 Dublin Girls Futsal Champions yesterday. It is a remarkable achievement and is hopefully a sign of things to come from this very talented bunch. Well done Girls....
Random Acts of Kindness Week 2018 Congratulations to all First Year Students who became actively involved in our Random Acts of Kindness Week. Many thanks to Sixth Year Mentors who showed great leadership in their roles on Friday mornings educating First Years and a...
Best of luck to St Judes It is another big weekend for our near neighbours St Judes GAA Club. Last week we wished the very best of luck to the clubs two Adult Camogie teams in their respective County Finals and we are delighted to note that both teams won; winning the...