Weekly Update 14/3/2018

Weekly Update 14/3/2018

History Association Day Thanks again to all the students and teachers who participated in last weeks History Association Day. We now have a full gallery of the day available to see at the following link.  History Association Day Festival of Music The DDLETB Festival...
Seachtain na Gaelige

Seachtain na Gaelige

Tá spórt agus spraoi i gColáiste Pobail Mhic Dara Naofa do Sheachtain na Gaeilge faoi láthair. Tá go leor imeachtaí ar súil ar nós Tráth na gCeist, Díospóireachtaí agus Ceolchoirm le haoí speisialta James Patrice, ambasadóir do Sheachtain na Gaeilege i mbliana. Lá...
Bishop Galvin Science Visit

Bishop Galvin Science Visit

6th class students and teachers from Bishop Galvin were visitors to our science lab for the last two Wednesday afternoons. During this time they got hands on experience using scientific equipment and got a taste of what they will experience as first year students in...
Festival of Music

Festival of Music

The DDLETB Festival of Music took place in the National Concert Hall yesterday (the 13th of March). The event had to be rescheduled due to Storm Emma but it was well worth the wait for all those who were in attendance last night. A massive congratulations should be...
History Association Day

History Association Day

History Association Day took place on Wednesday the 7th of March. We would like to thank all the students who participated in the event and made it the success that it was. It was fantastic to see them so passionate and knowledgable about their choosen topic. We would...
Charity Drop Ball

Charity Drop Ball

The 5th year Link Modules students in St. Mac Dara’s Community College are running a “Charity Drop Ball” in aid of Irish Guide Dogs & School Sports Facilties on the 27th April 2018. Please see the poster below for further details. Ball Drop...