Junior Cert Mock Exams

Junior Cert Mock Exams

Please click the link below for the Junior Cert Mock Exams Timetable   Mock Exam 2016 Jun. Cert
TY History Trip

TY History Trip

On Monday the 23th of November the TY class went into Dublin’s city centre for a historical tour. The following is a report of the day from TY student Jason Carroll. “First we got a bus from outside our school to St Patrick’s Cathedral. At St Patrick’s Cathedral...
SVP Food Appeal

SVP Food Appeal

 A big thank you to everyone who donated to the Saint Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Appeal.
Oliver the Musical

Oliver the Musical

St Mac Dara’s is proud to present Oliver the Musical. The show will take place on Wednesday Thursday and Friday, 9-11th December. Tickets €10 adults and €5 for  students and OAPs.        
Christmas Newsletter

Christmas Newsletter

Please click on the link below to view the Parents’ Association Christmas Newsletter Mac Daras Parents Newsletter 2015 Christmas
Derry Class Trip

Derry Class Trip

On November 19th Mr O’Brien took his Leaving Cert history class to Derry along with Ms.K.Smith and Ms.J.Clune. The students first got a guided tour of the walls of Derry and visited the key sites of the infamous “Siege of Derry”. As part of the tour the students got...