Incoming First Years

Incoming First Years

Assessment Tests for Incoming First Years 8th February 2017   We look forward to welcoming your son/ daughter to the St. Mac Dara’s Entrance Assessment on Wednesday  8th February from 9am to 1pm. For the entrance test, incoming students are asked to bring...
Mock Exam Timetables

Mock Exam Timetables

The very best of luck to all our students in the upcoming Mock Exams. Both the 3rd and 6th Year Timetables can be found by clicking on their respective links below.   MOCK EXAMS LEAVING CERT 2017 MOCK EXAMS JUNIOR CERT 2017          ...
Interschool Show Jumping

Interschool Show Jumping

The second interschool show jumping training session took place on Saturday 07th Jan 2017 in the Lion’s Den in Newcastle Co. Dublin. Well done to Luke Bryan, Rebecca Keane and Shaun Smith who took part on the day. Members of the team will start to compete in the TRI...

First Year Christmas Fair

Well done to all involved in the First Year Enterprise Fair which was held in the college on Wednesday 21st December. This was a fun filled event with some excellent stands and products on sale. Congratulations to all who took part. Pictures of the day can be found...

Capuchin Day Centre

    On behalf of Mr O’Brien’s CSPE class, 3 Aran would like to thank everyone for their generous donations of toiletries for their CSPE action project. The class collected over 500 toiletries including shampoo, shower gel and toothpaste for the Capuchin Day...


Well done to the Basketball team who played extremely well last week against Marian College. Anyone who is interested in joining should speak with Ms Byrne or Ms Smith.