St Judes Mens Shed Coffee Morning

St Judes Mens Shed Coffee Morning

St Judes Men’s Shed Coffee Morning The TY class attended the St Jude’s Men’s Shed coffee morning in aid of the Harold’s Cross Hospice on Tuesday 24th of September. An enjoyable morning was had by all supporting a wonderful cause. October 18,...
The National Ploughing Championships

The National Ploughing Championships

The National Ploughing Championships 2019 This years TY group visited the National Ploughing Championships along with 102,000 other people on Tuesday 17th of September. The sun shone all day, unlike every other year. The students got to visit various stands including...


Taekwondo St. Mac Dara’s are honoured to welcome Master Cha, Olympic gold medalist in Taekwondo to the school. Master Cha, from Korea will be teaching the martial art of Taekwondo to our Transition Year group. 20190923_104133 20190923_104048 20190923_104032...
Glasnevin Trip

Glasnevin Trip

Ty Trip To Glasnevin On Monday the 25th of March, the Transition Year class went on a trip to Glasnevin Cemetery, where they saw famous graves such as those of Eamonn De Valera, Michael Collins, and Daniel O’Connell. Afterwards they got to see a short film about...
TY Comedy Trip

TY Comedy Trip

Transition Year Comedy On Tuesday the 9th of April, the TY class went into town on the 15 bus to The Laughter Lounge in order to see a stand-up comedy show specially for Transition Years. The comedian doing the show was Ger Carey, but before they could see him they...
Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga

                     Chair Yoga with Cheeverstown Our Transition Years recently got to participate in a chair yoga class, taught by a hired instructor, with on one of their visits to Cheeverstown. They all had good fun, but had plenty of aching limbs...