Transition Year Philosophy Talk

Transition Year Philosophy Talk

Transition Year Philosophy Talk The Transition Year class had the privilege of attending a philosophy talk from two representatives from the University College Dublin. During this talk they discussed a hypothetical “Experience Machine” that a person could...

TY Ballyroan Library

TY Talk at Ballyroan Library TY students traveled to Ballyroan library to hear a talk on the impact of social media on teenager’s stress levels. October 18, 2019Global Citizenship Education ProgrammeOctober 10, 2019Transition Year Midterm NewsletterSeptember 25,...

TY Wheelchair Basketball

TY Wheelchair Basketball TY students travelled to Abbottstown National Sports Campus to participate in the wheelchair basketball championships. They raised over €1000 for the IWA and this fun day out was their...
Korean Cooking

Korean Cooking

Korean Cooking   On November 6th the Transition year Korean class went to the Home Ec. room to cook a traditional Korean dish: Kimbap. Ms O’ Rourke agreed to help to cook, while Ms. Park taught the students the recipe. In the end, everyone had a full roll of...
TY and the FAI

TY and the FAI

TY and the FAI Our Transition Year group spent the morning of the 23rd of October assisting the FAI with a coaching session for local primary school children. They assisted with coaching and refereeing on the day. They were given great praise by the organisers and had...
TY Fundraising for Irish Autism

TY Fundraising for Irish Autism

TY Fundraising for Irish Society for Autism The TY class spent some time at the Ashleaf Shopping Centre on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of October selling a range of products for the Irish Society for Autism. They raised a fantastic €819.00 for the charity. Well...