St.Mac Dara’s along with Coláiste Íosagáin, The High School and Alexandra College were invited to the Hive in Herbert Park by Dublin City Council as part of a unique workshop examining biodiversity, with special focus on the River Dodder. Each school brought eight students and one teacher to take part in the Dodder Gathering Day 2017. In doing so, we spent the afternoon learning about the birds of the River Dodder, tree types and biodiversity. We participated in the Bioblitz challenge which involved us taking part in challenges and activities to test us on what we have learned. During these challenges we got the chance to take water samples of the River Dodder and identify macroinvertebrates which are freshwater insects. As well as this, as a group we worked together to identify different species of trees and birds and different areas of biodiversity in the park. We had a really enjoyable & fun day out, & are now a lot more aware of various animals & plants that rely on the River Dodder for their existence, & how humans can have a negative impact on them by polluting the river.