Transition Year
Transition Year at St. Mac Dara’s has a long tradition of providing students with a wide variety of experiences and activities. Transition Year allows students to grow, mature and flourish with a mix of academic, practical and cultural subjects and programmes. In recent years students of Transition Year have had the opportunity to engage with subjects such as Community Care, Chinese, Agricultural Science, Politics and Society and Development Education. This year we are delighted to welcome several new programmes such as Furniture Restoration, Gaming, Horticulture, the Science of Wellbeing and many more.
The Transition Year students engage with a variety of charities such as GOAL, Trocaire and our local hospice. Students will enjoy academic and not so academic outings beginning with a class bonding trip to an adventure centre in Ireland where they will acquire new skills and push themselves outside of their comfort zone.
Students of Transition Year are given many responsibilities and must engage fully with the programmes in order to maximise the experience for themselves. Positivity and enthusiasm are key facets to the programme.
As of this year, we have five TY classes; Dingle, Burren, Tara, Ventry and Wicklow. Our classes have the opportunity to form new friendships and develop close bonds with their classmates throughout the year.
Overall, our aim is to provide our Transition Year students with a holistic, cultured, vibrant experience and for them to enjoy every second of it.
Year Head – Ms.Denny
Programme Coordinator – Ms.McKeown